Chhattisgarh Power Technology (CG Power Technology or CGPT) is a Manufacturer and Distributor of high performance Electrical/Electronic Testing and measuring instrument in India. Established on 10th July 2013, the Company is situated at Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Indigenous Manufacture of High Voltage (T&M) product like Primary current Injection kit, Secondary current injection kit, Hi-pot test kit, Test benches, CT/PT Polarity tester, Oil BDV, Variac, Loading Transformer etc.
M/s. Chhattisgarh Power Technology
Mfg. & Registered Office: D-7A, Shri Ram Nagar, Near TV Tower, Raipur-492 001 (C.G.)
Tel. No.: +91-771-2281600 / 4262704 Mobile: +91 9039556781 E-mail: sales@cgpowertechnology.com